
Billboard for Partsch in Wiener Neustadt

Impressive advertising walls in focus

Our stationary solutions design aims to transform unused space into an effective billboard. Our goal is to draw attention to your company, specific topics or campaign.

Request your billboard at 4media now!

Stationary solution

Stationary solution for Czeczelits in Neunkirchen

Increase visual appeal with SAMS!

Our stationary solutions transform vacant spaces into effective advertising with SAMS framing systems. Our goal is to draw attention to your company, specific topics or brand – all through the creative use of existing space.

More about Stationary Solutions

Stationary solution

Advertising wall for Rohr special vehicles

SAMS stands for excellence and efficiency!

Realize the potential of an advertising wall with our frame systems. Bring job postings, news and much more to life by creating high-quality advertising space that attracts attention and makes an impact.

More about our products


Stationary solution for Partsch in Wiener Neustadt

Flexibility in advertising: Stationary solutions

Stationary solutions from SAMS offer flexible options for presenting advertising messages on walls or entrance gates. The assembly of the frame system is simple and stable, which enables the banner to be quickly exchanged and thus quickly adapted to the current advertising campaign.

More about stationary solutions

Stationary solution

Advertising wall at 4media in Wiener Neustadt

Stationary solutions with the right advertising technology

By using stationary advertising technology such as advertising walls, you can use unused space effectively to advertise your brand or your company. With this solution, you can achieve maximum presence in one area without having to invest a great deal of effort.

More about stationary solutions

Stationary solution

Stationary advertising technology at 4media in Wiener Neustadt

SAMS: use unused free space effectively

Are you looking for an advertising measure for unused space? Then you should now rely on our stationary solution with advertising frame systems on an entrance gate! Our innovative technology enables you to present your advertising campaign and attract the attention of your target group.

More about stationary solutions

Stationary solution

Billboard at 4media in Wiener Neustadt

Advertising technology: Maximum visibility through advertising walls

Our stationary advertising technology enables you to advertise effectively and easily in one area. Convince yourself of the effectiveness of our solution and make your company or brand visible. Use the opportunity now to put your message in the best possible light.

More about stationary solutions

Stationary solution

Advertising technology at 4media in Wiener Neustadt

Rely on our stationary advertising technology

Use unused space for your advertising campaign and rely on our stationary advertising technology in the form of advertising walls. Thanks to our solution, you can implement an effective advertising measure without much effort and draw the attention of your target group.

More about stationary solutions

Stationary solution

Stationary SAMS solution for Partsch in Wiener Neustadt

SAMS Rahmensystem: Ihre flexible Lösungav

Stationary solutions with SAMS frame systems offer a flexible way of presenting advertising banners on a wall or entrance gate. The frame system can be mounted easily and stably and enables the advertising banner to be exchanged quickly.

More about stationary solutions at 4media.

Stationary solution

Stationary solution at MAN in Vienna

Why you should advertise with SAMS?

SAMS frame systems enable stationary solutions for your outdoor area. Our systems are flexible and can be adapted to any situation. In this way you can reach your target group anytime and anywhere.

Find out more about the possibilities for your stationary solution now

Stationary solution